The press meet held on “Secure Bihar” to promote Pvt. Security Industries under the aegis of CAPSI Bihar Chapter & Deptt. of Home has been co-chaired by Guest of honour ADG [Law & Order] Sri Alok Raj with the governing council executives.
The objective of the conference was to discuss the challenges, opportunities & area of activities in ensuring civil security by Pvt. Security these days. The conference “Secure Bihar” was inaugurated by Mr. Amir Subhani, IAS, Principal Secretary, Deptt. of Home, Govt. of Bihar & Mr. Dipak Kumar Singh, Secretary, Department of Labour Resources, Government of Bihar & Sri Jitendra Kumar, Special Secretary cum Controlling Authority as the Guest of Honour.
The occasion witnessed the establishment & oath taking ceremony by CAPSI Bihar Governing members. Mr. D. P. Singh has been elected unanimously as the President; Mr. Ravi Shekhar as General Secretary; Mr. Sujay Sourav as Secretary; Mr. R. K. Kanth as Dy Secretary; Mr. Ajit Kumar Singh as Treasurer; Mr. Narendra Kumar as First Vice President; Mr. Sanjay Kumar as Second Vice President & Mr. B. D. Singh as Third Vice President and Mr. B. K. Singh as Executive Director.
The press meet by the CAPSI Council Executive has been co-chaired by Sri Alok Raj, ADG [Law & Order] as Guest of Honour.
Mr. D. P. Singh, President of CAPSI Bihar emphasized the necessity of co-ordination between police administration & Pvt. Security. He said that altogether 60,000 Pvt. Security guards i.e 1,20,000 Security eyes to ensure Secure Bihar. The role of pvt. Security can be appreciated in doing the job of security in Cash Carriage, Banking Security, Mall Security, Hospital Security and various govt. establishments. It is being studied by CAG Office to see the effect & stake if all the govt. establishments come under Pvt. Security.
Seeing the importance & utility of Pvt. Security & public life the training of Security guard & their pay & perks are to be given due care because after agriculture Pvt. Security is the largest employer Mr. Singh gave reference to the statement of the Home Secretary who told that the Pvt. Security License Holders should be inducted in the Committee of RBI for Banking Security & different Police People cooperative committee.
In the press briefing ADG [Law & Order] Sri Alok Raj has shared his versatile experience in security & existing role of Pvt. Security in ensuring Pvt. & Public property. He expressed that role of Pvt. Security have been expanding day by day especially in fire control, theft control, information technology. Mr. Alok Raj agreed with the suggestion of Mr. D. P. Singh that in police-people cooperation committee Pvt. Security Agency License Holder inclusion may prove beneficial & effective.
In the press meet all the council executives Mr. Ravi Shekhar, General Secretary; Mr. Sujay Sourav, Secretary; Mr. R. K. Kanth, Dy Secretary; Mr. Ajit Kumar Singh, Treasurer; Mr. Narendra Kumar, First Vice President; Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Second Vice President & Mr. B. D. Singh, Third Vice President and Mr. B. K. Singh, Executive Director & other vice presidents have expressed valuable views. All the council executives were of the opinion that if Pvt. Security has been taken in the mechanism of Security by State Administration it will be really useful & effective to lessen the responsibilities of over loaded Distt. Administration.
The Press meet has witnessed the participation of Sri Surendra Kumar Roy, Rajeev Prasad Singh, Praveen Kumar, Damini Kumari & Anjali Kumari.